Oily skin problems and ways to deal with them

skin problems and ways to deal with them


Oily skin

Oily skin problems and ways to deal with them


Where does excess facial fat come from?

The reasons for the increased secretion of fat in the body are multiple and may cause an increase in the secretion of fat in the face, and this may lead to an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes clogged pores, bacterial growth, acne, pimples and other skin problems. Among the reasons for the increased secretion of fat in the face are the following:
• hormonal disorders.
Stress, anxiety and tension.
Exposure to excessive heat or moisture.
Lack of skin care.
Follow a diet rich in fats and sugars.
Excessive use of cosmetics.
Take certain medications.
growing old.

Our face is constantly faced with a lot of external aggression. Excess sebum can be linked to various factors such as stress, pollution, smoking, heredity or even hormonal imbalances. And skin that produces too much sebum often leads to an outbreak of unwanted pimples. As a result, to preserve the health of our epidermis, it is necessary to hydrate it well. The less you do it, the more the pores will clog, which will promote excess sebum. Finally, you still have to have the right routine. Some habits are to be taken for a well hydrated skin.

Steps to control excess sebum

Fats are necessary for the skin as they help maintain the moisture needed for it, but when you increase these fats, the skin may expose you to many problems, including acne, the appearance of pimples and spots, blackheads and large pores.

You can take care of oily skin and reduce these secretions by following the following tips:

Wash the skin twice daily with an appropriate cleanser: It is preferable to wash oily skin 3 times throughout the day, once in the morning and another in the middle of the day and third at night, provided that it is using the appropriate lotion for the type of skin, that is, it is free of oils and aromatic substances to prevent acne and avoid skin irritation.
Wash the skin well after noticing the oily secretions:
Avoid peeling the skin.
Avoid trying to remove the pimples to avoid them taking longer to heal.
•  Avoid using lotions that clog pores: Skin blockage causes a lot of problems to the skin, including pimples and pimples. And it leads to the occurrence of black and white heads that appear on the skin due to the accumulation of dust and chemicals in cosmetics.

Oily skin care

first step: clean the skin
One of the first and most important steps for oily skin care is to clean the skin with the appropriate lotion, in order to remove all fats, sediments, and dirt on the skin.

Step two: moisturize the skin
Moisturizing oily skin is one of the most important steps in caring for oily skin, and one of the most forgotten steps. Lots of oils when dry, causing these oils to build up in the pores and close them.

Step three: Treat skin problems
This step depends on the use of products concerned with treating skin problems, whatever they are. When there is acne, the prescribed ointment can be used to treat acne after the completion of cleaning the skin with lotion and wiping it with toner.

Step Four: sunscreen
Sunscreen is one of the basics of oily and dry skin care, and the use of sunscreen is not limited to the summer, but the sunscreen is used at all times of the year, as the sunscreen reflects or absorbs ultraviolet rays and prevents them from reaching the depths of the skin, and these rays spread in the atmosphere In all seasons of the year.


Oily skin does not have to be unhealthy and not bright, in fact, people with oily skin are lucky because the signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines are delayed, but as we mentioned, this skin needs more attention and a healthy routine in order to remain bright, flexible and free of any defects or problems.